Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Africa Praise!

God is so good!

My third, and final, deposit for Africa is due Thursday.

Today I received gifts from three people that took me up to the exact amount I needed for the deposit.

Now, tell me that's not a total 'God thing' ...

Thank you to all who honored God's stirring in them to give. I cannot wait to bring back stories of what He's doing in Kenya. Please pray for me as I continue to prepare!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Becoming More: In my Struggles

What does that look like?

There are two big things I learned throughout this past week of lessons.

1. I must praise God with thanksgiving - despite my circumstance. No, that doesn’t mean I walk around saying “Praise God for this car wreck! Praise God for this disease!” I’m not talking about fake praise. That is what makes Christians look crazy. I’m talking about real, genuine praise of God – not our circumstance: “God, circumstances change, but I praise You because You never do. God, I praise You for never leaving me. I praise You that You are with me in this moment and You stand in my tomorrow, as well.” And … what happens when we are thankful?

2. Thanksgiving moves the heart of God.

Let’s take Daniel, for instance. Everyone knows the story of Daniel in the lion’s den. You probably had a felt board with the pictures of it at every Sunday school you ever attended. I know I did. But usually we jump from Daniel disobeying the king/obeying God to being thrown in the lion’s den (because the “point” of the story is that God protects those who obey Him). But is that the point? I think we miss a huge part of the story if we gaze past one key part. Daniel was arrested for praying to God when he knew he wasn’t allowed to, and it would get him into trouble. Still he prayed … but WHAT did he pray? It says:

"10 Now when Daniel learned that the decree had been published, he went home to his upstairs room where the windows opened toward Jerusalem. Three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to his God, just as he had done before."

Did you catch that? Giving thanks to God, JUST AS HE HAD DONE BEFORE! Even though his circumstance changed, he remained thankful and praised God.

Maybe you are more a fan of Jonah. I can work with that. Jonah was in the belly of a fish for disobeying God. This wasn’t like a fish condo. It was an intestine – full of digested food … Still Jonah prayed to God … but WHAT did he pray? It says:

"9 But I, with a song of thanksgiving, will sacrifice to you. What I have vowed I will make good. Salvation comes from the LORD."

With a song of thanksgiving! His circumstance definitely changed, but he remained thankful and praised God. Then God had him vomited out of the fish. Talk about moving the heart of God.

When the struggles come, I want God to intervene. I want Him to block my natural response/reaction. I want to praise Him and be thankful – DESPITE my circumstance at the moment - and watch as God's heart is moved.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Shack: An Excerpt on Judgement

Although I wouldn't say I recommend everyone reading The Shack , I think those with a discerning heart (able to separate the truth in God's word versus the opinions of an author) would probably be okay with it. I did find one passage very interesting. It created a great picture in my head, and I wanted to share it.

To set the scene, the main character is telling God that He should punish all "bad" people. His daughter was kidnapped and murdered, and he thinks God should send any people "like that" to ... you know, the hot place. He even says God is to blame for what happened to his daughter. So we pick up there:

"Then," she said with finality, "if you are able to judge God so easily, then you can certainly judge the world." Again she spoke without emotion. "You must choose two of your children to spend eternity in God's new heavens and new earth, but only two."

"What?" he erupted, turning to her in disbelief.

"And you must choose three of your children to spend an eternity in h***."

Mack couldn't believe what he was hearing and started to panic.

"Mackenzie." Her voice now came as calm and wonderful as first he heard it. "I am only asking you to do something that you believe God does. He knows every person ever conceived, and He knows them so much deeper and clearer than you will ever know your own children. He loves each one according to His knowledge of the being of that son or daughter. You believe He will condemn most to an eternity of torment, away from His presence and apart from His love. Is that not true?"

"I suppose I do. I've just never thought about it like this." He was stumbling over his words in his shock. "I just assumed that somehow God could do that. Talking about h*** was always sort of an abstract conversation, not about anyone that I truly ..." Mack hesitated, realizing that what he was about to say would sound ugly, "not about anyone that I truly care about."

"So you suppose, then, that God does this easily, but you cannot? Come now, Mackenzie. Which three of your five children will you sentence to h***? Katie is struggling with you the most right now. She treats you badly and has said hurtful things to you. Perhaps she is the first and most logical choice. What about her? You are the judge, Mackenzie, and you must choose.”

“I don’t want to be the judge,” he said, standing up. Mack’s mind was racing. This couldn’t be real. How could God ask him to choose among his own children? There was no way he could sentence Katie, or any of his children, to an eternity in h*** just because she had sinned against him. Even if Katie or Josh or Jon or Tyler committed some heinous crime, he still wouldn’t do it. He couldn’t! For him, it wasn’t about their performance; it was about his love for them.

“I can’t do this.”

“You must.”

“I can’t. I can’t. I won’t!” he screamed. The woman just stood there waiting. Finally he looked at her, pleading with her eyes. “Could I go instead? If you need someone to torture for eternity, I’ll go in their place. Would that work? Could I do that?” He fell at her feet, crying and begging now. “Please let me go for my children, please, I would be happy to … Please, I am begging you. Please… Please…”

“Mackenzie, Mackenzie,” she whispered … “Now you sound like Jesus. You have judged well. You have judged them worthy of love, even if it cost you everything. That is how [God] loves.”

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Becoming More: In my Relationships

I learned two really great things that are essential in having richer, deeper friendships.

Unharnessed thoughts (insecurity, jealousy, temptation): God’s Word should be a regular part of day – for good reason. I can fill my thoughts with His truths to combat the lies tangled around my feelings – and insecurities. “Too many of us live with an uncontrolled thought life.” How true is that? So often I use that excuse: “I can’t help what I think about.”

The Bible is like our pop-up blocker. You can’t help what pops up when you open a website - just like you can’t stop what thoughts pop into your heard - but the blocker gets most of it … and what does get past it, you can close it as soon as it does. I can automatically think of a truth to combat whatever lie pops up … or I can redirect my thoughts to something else … or I can start singing a song in my head like This Little Light of Mine (WHATEVER works!).

Careless words (judgment, gossip, slander): This was the best part of the whole weeks’ lessons. I learned how truly priceless a friend is who guards her words. And I learned that I need to BE the friend that I so desperately want. I need to be a woman of carefully chosen words … because what comes out of our mouths is a true sign of who we are, who we serve, and what we really believe.

I could write a book on careless words … but I will settle with that little tidbit for now. I’ll save my thoughts and encourage you to take this study if you want more – or ask me questions.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Revisit, Revive

Update on Kenya projects and ways to get involved!

1. The Esther House Project - Esther is just one of the more than 40 orphans who are being taken care of by Christian families in Kapenguria, Kenya. They have no place to sleep but the hard ground, and very little to eat. Esther has given us a clearer picture of the need for orphans like her. She has inspired and motivated us. We now have the opportunity to provide a home for these children! God has opened a door and given us a vision. Phase I is the construction of 2 dormitories – one for boys and one for girls.

2. Hen House/Chicken Project – A great opportunity to establish a sustainability project, we’ll be constructing and filling a hen house for 500 chicks. These chicks will grow and provide eggs not only for the children housed in the Esther House, but also as income – selling the eggs! For $1.50 you can buy a chick – the house for 500 will cost $4,000.

3. Child Sponsorship Program - Over 70 children are now being sponsored - it is possible for each and every child to be connected to someone here in the US who has the willingness and the ability to be a sponsor. We are witnesses to the joy and tremendous growth in the children whose lives have been changed by child sponsors. We’ll be bringing back photos and reports when we visit. Please pray about being a sponsor to one of these children for only $25 per month. For every child sponsored, a life is changed forever!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

A Daily Battle II

I found this quote, and I love it. It calls me out and reminds me of the Bible's importance in my life:

"It's hard to over-estimate the importance of reading and studying the Bible. God's Word is our source of spiritual nourishment, our light in the midst of a dark world, our mirror to see what needs to be corrected in our lives. And yet, it is so easy to let other things get in the day and interrupt time we have wanted to dedicate to Bible reading."

"Oh, how I love Your law! It is my meditation all the day."
Psalm 119:97

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Becoming More: In my walk

When David was handpicked by God to become King, I assumed he would be sent right away to take his place. But that wasn’t true. God anointed David … and then sent him back to the fields that He found him in. David went back to being a shepherd, even though he knew he was going to be a king! He didn’t know when … but he waited patiently. He had faith that God was using his time as a shepherd to prepare him for whatever he was going to do.

And, surely enough, when no one wanted to face Goliath, David stepped up. King Saul was disappointed that a young, shepherd boy was wanting to fight Goliath but David appealed to him, “Your servant has been keeping his father's sheep. When a lion or a bear came and carried off a sheep from the flock, I went after it, struck it and rescued the sheep from its mouth. When it turned on me, I seized it by its hair, struck it and killed it. Your servant has killed both the lion and the bear; this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them … The LORD who delivered me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine." (1 Samuel 17:34-37).

God had used that time to prepare David. David was a boy, a child.

So how come he seems to have been more together than me?

Jesus is another prime example. He came into our world as the King, the Messiah. But He lived life as a common carpenter. God, the Creator of the universe, led a common life until he was thirty years old.

For thirty years, Jesus waited.

If either were like us, they would have been complaining the whole time about how they wanted to be in the "next stage” of life – living for tomorrow, dreaming about the future. But they didn’t. Both knew God had a plan for where they were – a reason for what they were doing. Even if it is tending sheep - or making tables.

For me, becoming more in my walk with God is developing a trusting patience. A knowing that God has put me where He wants me. My job is to pursue Him and His will where I am at … and try to learn what is set before me. I will probably need it for what might be coming next. That means reading my Bible, learning about Him through prayer and petition, and developing our relationship.

Monday, June 7, 2010

A Daily Battle

“A daily battle is being fought for our attention and our devotion.”

This was written in my study today in Becoming More, and it really stirred my little heart.

I’ve always struggled with spending time in God’s word daily. I would do it for a while, and then it would start to feel obligatory. So I would stop. But the thing is, a DAILY battle is being fought for my attention. And my devotion. So if I am not DAILY in God’s word, or at least meeting with God in prayer, He has lost for that day. And that seems wrong to me.

I will spend my day doing a whole lot of things – and those things aren’t bad – but when zero of my attention has gone to God, something is wrong.

One woman put it the struggle this way, “the duty of devotion rather than the desire: I still feel that it’s important to spend that time with God daily. Sometimes the emotions are just not there, but we still need to obey and do it. I do not always feel giddy-in-love with my husband, but I commit to loving him and acting respectfully [daily]. It’s a decision to love.”

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Intro to Bible Biology

This week my lessons in Becoming more are discussing how to read the Bible. It taught me this great way to look at passages - where you slice it up and dissect it! So - as an exercise in humility - I will try it publicly. We'll start with my life verse:

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33

'I have told you' ... He didn't say I am telling you. He said I HAVE told you: meaning I am telling you AGAIN. God is reassuring. God knows we just don't get it ... unless we hear it 100 times. So he is telling us, again.

'these things' ... He said in the earlier passage that "a time is coming, and has come, when you will be scattered, each to his own home ..."

'SO THAT' ... Here is where he grabs our shoulders and shakes us (figuratively), meaning listen up! This is what you need to know:

'in me you may have peace' ... He specifically says IN ME. We can't find peace in anything else. Not in relaxation techniques, hot bubble baths, McDonalds Happy Meals. Nothing will bring true peace besides Christ. He is telling us that so that we get it through our thick skulls: WE NEED HIM.

'In this world' ... I think this alludes to our world being an exception. Heaven is going to be a different place. In this world things are not the way God intended. But another world is waiting in the wings.

'you will have trouble' ... That's a promise you can take to the bank. You will have trouble. Not maybe, not possibly, not a slight chance - you WILL.

'But take heart' ... God always offer hope in our fallen world

'I have overcome the world' ... God always reminds us of His absolute power. Maybe He knows we need to hear it. We desire security. So He offers us that by telling of His Sovereignty. He conquered the grave. He beat this world. He survived death and lives! He is our strength. He is our fortress. We do not need to fear our trouble. The God of creation has our back.

There you go. Pick a passage and dissect it yourself now!

Friday, June 4, 2010

An Upcoming Great Movie Release

I have been anticipating the release of this movie in August ever since I heard about it. I find myself wishing Christian movies went to theaters more and more often. This movie has a message that kids need to hear ...

What do I want my life to be about?

Check this out if you've got teens, work with teens, or minister to teens. It's a really moving story that I will not likely miss.


Thursday, June 3, 2010

Becoming More: In my heart

I’m doing a new study by Lysa TerKeurst for the next six weeks, and I’m already excited about what God is going to do with me in this study. I’m feeling stretched – and my sister always taught me that stretching is the best way to make the most of your workout. Stretching leads to building strength and endurance. It warms you up for whatever is on the horizon.

This week was all about becoming more than a ‘good Bible study girl’ in my heart. What does that even mean?

1. I felt God calling me to a deeper understand of my total security and worth in HIM – solely. “I want my beliefs to work no matter what life throws at me. I want to be so certain of God’s presence that I never feel like I have to face anything in my own strength or rely on my own perspectives …” I want to love God and know God is there even when things are not awesome: when I’m lonely, when I’m upset, when I’m scared. Total security. There was a lot of reflection about failure. How we attach failure of a task to our self-worth. We failed = we are a failure. But that’s not true. At all. That is what Beth Moore would consider bad math. “I separate my shortcomings from my identity and let Jesus be the only measure of my worth.” The ONLY measure.

2. It also means that God is only thing I will ever need. TRULY need. I love my husband. My family. My house. My church. My friends. My sweet, gangly (spell check says that is not a real word), bug-eyed dog. But I do not need them – meaning they do not offer me fulfillment.

3. It also means that things I want will also never offer fulfillment, at least not permanent. We will always want more. It – whatever it is - will always be just out of reach. “Apart from a thriving relationship with God, even if you got everything on your list, there would still be a hollow gap in your soul … possessions are meant to be appreciated and used to bless others.”

Here is the main question I felt completely convicted about – and felt called to action to answer:

“How might our lives look if we were so filled with God’s truth we could let go of the pain of the past, not get tripped up by the troubles of today, or consumed by worries about tomorrow?”

I want a real relationship with God. I don’t want to just “do the right things” and hope that I’m checking off all the good things I am supposed to be doing: going to church, praying, being nice, etc. Those are great. But something is missing.

“The true secret to fulfillment … involves no unrealistic expectations. Not reaching back for what was lost in my yesterdays. Not reaching for what I hope will be in my tomorrow. But living fully with what is right in front of me. And truly seeing the gift of this moment.”