Thursday, April 10, 2014

DIY Coloring Page Tshirt

So, I had a problem. My daughter is SO in to Doc McStuffins right now it is CRAZY. But I can't afford to get all the "stuff" because I'm not sure if it will last a week or a year. So, I have been DIY-ing some things for her: felt characters for her board, felt Band-Aids for her doctor kit, etc.

I Google coloring pages ALL the time for whatever she likes at the moment. I happened to think, 'I could paint this onto a shirt!' So I decided to try.

I made Stuffy first on a blue shirt. That one was just okay, but she liked it. I decided to try again and make some changes. Since it is a coloring book page, I decided to try Lambie because she's white and pink. Easy colors. So I painted her black and added two felt pink additions (her skirt and bow).

A couple moms asked how I made it, so I decided to make another and take pictures this time because ANYONE can do this. It's so easy. I decided to make Olaf for my niece's birthday. He's also easy! White and black and a flashy orange nose.

Here's what you need:

a picture (from a coloring book or just Google Image ANY character you like)

black puffy paint

a white shirt or dress (if you do a colored shirt, you can't trace the picture ... you have to stencil or free draw it, which I did with Stuffy on a blue shirt)



a pencil

needle/thread (I used embroidery thread because I had it already)

First, put the picture under the shirt and trace on your picture to the shirt (you'll need good light to see it under the shirt) in pencil. Next, paint the lines black with the puffy paint. Try not to make it too puffy.

Next, choose something to POP in the picture. For Lambie, I chose her pink bow and pink skirt. For Olaf, I chose his orange nose. Cut THAT item out of the original picture and use it as a stencil on the felt. Cut out the item and outline the item in black, just like the picture has it.


Finally, stitch on the colored items using the same colored thread. You can use a basic stitch, but I like to back stitch for added strength. Whatever you like. But stitch inside the black paint (right along the outline).

I used the extra felt to make a bow for her hair, and you could add rick-rack to the dress for more color if you wanted to. Less is more, to me.

Do not wash for 36 hours (after painting), and I try to wash it inside out on a gentle cycle.

Easy Peasy, friends. I would make and sell these if I could legally.