Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Great Dog Debate

When kids are little, they want a dog. They write their parents letters, they make presentation about how great dogs are, and they try to convince them of how much they are willing to do for the dog’s care.

I did it. My brother did it. Most of my friends did it.

Now, all parents know that kids will not take care of a dog. Kids are fickle that way, and this leads to many parents avoiding the dog discussion altogether.

But that’s a mistake. No, kids probably won’t be the ones taking care of the dog … but everyone’s lives will be touched by it. In the year we have had Giselle, I have already learned so much about dogs …

1. Dogs have this uncanny response in dangerous situations: protect people. Story after story is told about dogs rescuing kids, protecting owners, or even finding lost people. I’m not trying to be biased, but I haven’t heard too many stories about cats saving people. Giselle is our family dog. Although I doubt she could save Brent or me from frostbite, she is just as protective as other dogs. If you don’t believe me, ask our friends what happens when they approach the house. Alarms sound in the form of her ferocious howls and growls. This story was posted today on

3-Year-Old Kept Alive In Frigid Temps by Family Dog

Victoria Bensch’s parents were frantic when they realized she had wandered off into the Arizona wilderness. Rescuers were immediately dispatched and began searching for the 3-year-old child, wearing only a short-sleeved shirt and pink pants. During the night the temperatures got down into the mid-30s, and a dark night with no moon made it difficult for the authorities to find little Victoria.

15 hours later a rescue helicopter saw Victoria face down in the dirt, with her dog Blue by her side. Although cold and barefoot, she was stable, and was flown to Phoenix Children’s Hospital for frostbite treatment and swollen feet. When interviewed Monday on Fox and Friends and asked how she kept warm during the night, Victoria simply said: “Blue keep warm.” Yavapai County Sheriff's Office spokesman Dwight D'Evelyn agreed, crediting the Queensland Heeler with keeping Victoria alive, and doctors agreed she was extremely lucky to have survived the freezing temperatures.

2. Dogs also have an unnatural ability to make people laugh. Whether it is chasing their tails, doing tricks, or sleeping – they seem to always make people laugh. Giselle is the funniest little ham.

She walks funny – with her little fancy prance.

She eats funny – by bringing mouthfuls of food to where we are and dumping it out just to eat near us.

She even sleeps funny – with all her legs in the air and snoring under her blanket!

3. Dogs love the weirdest things. Giselle loves underwear. We’re not sure why, but she does, and she’s not ashamed. It doesn’t matter how deep you hide it in the laundry basket … she takes her time pulling everything out to get to the underwear. Then she pulls it out and leaves it on the floor. I come in and our floor is covered by scattered underwear. It disgusts me … but secretly cracks me up.

All that to say ... get a dog.

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