Let’s face it. We’re pretty fake as a general population. People criticize the church/Christians a lot because people go to church with a smile and act like things are all perfect and great and roses. Very Pleasantville-ish. The truth is none of us are there because we have it all together – so there is no point in pretending we do.
Does that mean we have to be a Debbie-Downer all the time, or we need to tell everyone all our business? Of course not. But you know there are times when someone you are close to asks how you are doing and you reply, ‘I’m fine, how are you?’ or ‘I’m great, how are you?’
Why is that?
Why is it so hard to say what’s really going on? “Well, I’m struggling with ____, and I could definitely use some prayer. But I’m doing okay otherwise!”
The devil has such a stronghold on people, including me, in this area. He whispers lies that no one needs to know these things that are troubling us or tiring us or stressing us out. He tells us that we shouldn’t burden others with our problems. We can handle things on our own. We will forget about it if we just give it time. People will think we are complaining too much. People will think we don’t trust God or have enough faith to get through the hard times. Lies, lies, lies.
Christ is three in one. We were made in His image. We were built for relationship, companionship, fellowship. We were created to work together, to walk this life side by side, to share the load, to carry each other’s burdens, to pray for each other. When we hold on to things that hinder our relationship with God, we are also hindering our relationship with others. Vulnerability breeds vulnerability. Open hearts lead to more open relationships.
We stand in the way of that when we shut people out, when we wear a mask of perfection and togetherness.
No one has it all together.
I pray that today you and I both trust someone enough to say, ‘Ok, here it is. Here is what’s going on. Please pray for me. WHEW (deep sigh of relief).’
I don't know about you, but that is the kind of relationships I want.
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