Today, against my better judgement, I watched a goat slaughtered for dinner. Chicken Nuggets was the bravest little guy. It is a true African experience to be a part of the slaughtering of dinner, and I wanted to get past my own "American" way of thinking and try to get into the culture a little.
So I watched a little, and it was horrifying. But I made it through and I even tried a little of the goat after they cooked it all up that night.
We taught the kids how to roast marshmallows. We tried to do S'mores - but they don't have chocolate bars or graham crackers in Kenya. So we just did marshmallows. The kids loved being a part of MAKING the meal ... because they usually aren't. They loved roasting them.
The stars here are beautiful at night. There are no lights, so everything is so clear. It's amazing. I wish I could bottle it up and bring it home - or capture it on film ... but I can't.
We found out today that our trip to Turkwel has been cancelled. Violence broke out. They haven't seen violence since 2005 when Get the Word Out was first there! But a Turkana stole a Pikot cow ... and then later when they found out that the Turkana's voted YES and the Pikot voted NO in the consitution election, violence broke out and a Pikot killed a Turkana.
We aren't sure when the Turkana will retaliate, but we know the will. So, we cannot go.
It was a hard thing to hear. We had been looking forward to that so much. We were all sad, frustrated, and very disappointed. But we trust God has a plan.
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