Monday, October 3, 2011

Timeless Advice

I was thinking about something yesterday in the shower (pretty much my only time to think without distraction).

Our parents are basically being told everything they did with us was wrong, and I think that's completely unfair.

I think older women have awesome advice. I think in some cases times have just changed. It has nothing to do with them raising us wrong but more with how the world is now.

For instance, getting hit by a semi traveling 70 miles an hour was probably fairly unlikely when Laura Ingalls was a kid, so they didn't need car seats and car seat regulations like we do now. Were they wrong? No, just different times and different circumstances.

Why didn't Ma break out her Medela breast pump and freeze a bottle for Pa so she could ride down to the local church bake sale without the kiddos? Because women were the child-rearers and homemakers. They didn't consider the possibility of "me" time very often.

I won't even go into Germ-X ...

My point is that our parents did what was best at that time, and that's all we can do as moms: our best for where we are at right now.

So, thank you mom. I turned out great, and I pray Bree will too!

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