Sunday, December 1, 2013

Our Advent Adventure Begins ...

After reading this encouraging post I decided to jump into the Advent season with a simple plan. Three main things: Story. Activity. Elf.

First, I tell her the Christmas story every day in a different way. I am using her Read and Share Bible, the DVD it comes with, a felt nativity scene, her Little People nativity set, the Jesus movie from the library, and a bunch of other resources that share the Christmas story.

Next, we do a fun (usually low key) Christmas activity. Some crafts, some service, some play, some outings.

Finally, we find the Elf. I know ... I'm one of those Elf on the Shelf people. But hear me out: I am not doing it in quite the same way as the story describes. I am not telling her that the Elf (Clea, as she named her) reports to Santa or keeps a list of all the good and bad she does. The Elf is just a fun thing she finds each day getting into some kind of mischief. I did keep the one rule: Don't touch the Elf.

I chose to do this when Ollie takes his morning nap because I can focus on her and enjoy the time with just her. She still watches a cartoon while I feed, change, and lay him down. I got a couple Christmas 15-minute PBS episodes from the library that are Christmas or Winter related, Mickey Mouse, Cat in the Hat, Angelina Ballerina, etc.

Then we start. I will try to journal and post each day with what we did.

Today, being December 1st, we just introduced the whole Christmas season with the arrival and set up of our Christmas Tree and reading The Elf on the Shelf to introduce and name our Elf.