Thursday, August 18, 2011

What's Wrong with Praying for Safety?

I was completely convicted while - again - reading Crazy Love.

We often pray for safety. Safety in travels, safety from disease or illness, safety from pain or harm.

It is on our hearts even more when we have kids.

I prayed - every night - for Bree to not get bitten by Brown Recluse spiders (which are very present in our house and in her nursery). It was literally driving me crazy with worry and fear.

The problem is that we've made safety our number one priority. We've taken away God's control of our lives and His knowledge of what is best for us -- for HIS glory.

The hardest question I have to ask myself is: what if God's plan is for something to happen to Bree or to Brent? Am I willing to trust Him still, or do I abandon ship? What if God has a purpose for His kingdom that involves one of them getting hurt or being ill?

God's ways are not our ways.

My prayer each night now is that God would use Bree's life to glorify Him and to further His kingdom - however He sees fit. I wouldn't want to keep her from His purpose for her life because I am afraid I won't be able to handle what He has in store.

Now -- I'm human -- I do hope His plan is to keep her perfectly safe from ALL HARM for her entire life. But if it's not, which I doubt it is, I pray for strength to endure the challenges that we will face with grace and trust.

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